Registration & Medical Consent​ | ArtBase

Registration & Medical Consent

Attendees Form

  • Ticket Name

    Please note that if your child requires regular medication (including inhalers) they are required to bring it with them. We are unable to accept them if they do not have it.
    Please tick the box below to consent for first aid. By ticking this box, you hereby consent for the administration of first aid and the seeking of medical advice or emergency treatment if necessary while my child is at ArtBase. You confirm that you have legal responsibility for this child or children.

    If you would like us to email you about future workshops, please tick the box below. We will not share your email address with anyone else.

    We occasionally take photographs in the workshops for use on our website or social media channels. If you are happy for ArtBase to use any photographs depicting your child named above, please tick the box below.